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TKP 041-2015
Procedure of the works to ensure the stability of product quality in the organizations of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 041-2015 (33090)
The order of work to ensure the stability of the quality of products in organizations of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 085-2015
Metrological support of organizations of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 085-2015 (33090)
Metrological support of organizations of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 140-2015
Motor highways. Procedure for diagnostics
TKP 140-2015 (33200)
Car roads. Diagnostic Procedure
TKP 162-2015
Rules for development of technical regulations and guidance documents in the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 162-2015 (33090)
Rules for the development of technical regulatory legal acts and methodological documents in the system of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 163-2015
Rules for maintaining the register of technical regulations and guidance documents in the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 163-2015 (33090)
The procedure for maintaining the Register of technical regulatory legal acts and methodological documents of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 17.02-13/1-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Technological standards. Part 1. Calculation of technological standards of water use
TKP 17.02-13/1-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Technological standards. Part 1. Calculation of technological standards for water use
TKP 17.06-12-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Hydrosphere. Regulations of accounting of produced groundwater, claimed surface water and wastewater discharged into the environment
TKP 17.06-12-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Hydrosphere. Rules for maintaining records of extracted groundwater, withdrawn surface water and discharged wastewater into the environment
TKP 17.06-13-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Hydrosphere. Rules of operation and control of the work of treatment facilities and waste water discharges
TKP 17.06-13-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Hydrosphere. Rules of operation and control over the operation of treatment facilities and wastewater discharge
TKP 17.06-15-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Hydrosphere. Hydrogeological methods for the calculation of the boundaries of zones of sanitary protection of underground sources of drinking water
TKP 17.06-15-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Hydrosphere. Hydrogeological methods for calculating the boundaries of sanitary protection zones of underground sources of drinking water supply
TKP 17.12-08-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Territories. Identification of the use of peat deposits and wetlands
TKP 17.12-08-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Territory. Identification of the use of peat deposits and marshes
TKP 17.12-09-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Territories. The procedure for conducting the planned inspection in the Republic of Belarus for the cadastral registration of flora objects
TKP 17.12-09-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Territory. The procedure for conducting a planned survey of the territory of the Republic of Belarus for cadastral registration of plant world objects
TKP 17.12-10-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Territories. Rules for the preparation of the scientific and technical and economic feasibility study for allocation, transformation and termination of functioning of specifically protected natural territories
TKP 17.12-10-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Territory. Rules for the preparation of the scientific and feasibility study of the announcement, transformation and termination of the operation of specially protected natural territories
TKP 17.12-11-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Territories. Rules for description of boundaries of a declared or converted specially protected nature area and its buffer zone
TKP 17.12-11-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Territory. Rules for describing the boundaries of a declared or transformed specially protected natural area and its conservation zone
TKP 17.13-21-2015
Environment protection and nature use. Analytical (laboratory) control, and monitoring. Procedure for classification of surface water bodies (or parts thereof) in terms of classes of the ecological state (status)
TKP 17.13-21-2015 (33140)
Environmental protection and nature management. Analytical (laboratory) control and monitoring. The procedure for classifying surface water bodies (their parts) to classes of ecological status (status)
TKP 197-2015
The procedure for conducting technical examination of technical codes of practice developed in the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 197-2015 (33090)
The procedure for conducting technical examination of technical codes of established practice developed in the system of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 198-2015
The procedure for application of technical regulations in the organizations of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 198-2015 (33090)
The procedure for applying technical normative legal acts in organizations of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 289-2015
The establishment and securing of the land plot borders. Procedure for conduct
TKP 289-2015 (33520)
Establishment and restoration of land boundaries. Order of conduct
TKP 45-1.01-234-2015
System of technical regulation and standardization of the Republic of Belarus. Special technical specifications in the field of architecture and construction. The order of development, construing, presentation, and approval
TKP 45-1.01-234-2015 (33020)
The system of technical regulation and standardization of the Republic of Belarus. Special specifications in the field of architecture and construction. The order of development, construction, presentation, coordination and approval
TKP 45-1.02-302-2015
Construction. Technical and economic parameters of the facility. The rules for determining of areas and volumes of buildings and structures
TKP 45-1.02-302-2015 (33020)
Building. Technical and economic indicators of the construction project. Rules for determining the area and volume of buildings and structures
TKP 45-1.03-122-2015
Standards duration of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures and their sets. The main provisions
TKP 45-1.03-122-2015 (33020)
Standards for the duration of construction of buildings, structures and their complexes. Key Points
TKP 45-1.03-303-2015
Standards for duration of construction of living premises
TKP 45-1.03-303-2015 (33020)
Standards for the duration of the construction of residential buildings
TKP 45-5.03-300-2015
Goods and structures made from steel reinforced porous concrete. Rules for design
TKP 45-5.03-300-2015 (33020)
Products and structures made of steel fiber concrete. Design rules
TKP 45-5.03-301-2015
Goods and structures made from steel reinforced porous concrete. Rules for manufacturing
TKP 45-5.03-301-2015 (33020)
Products and structures made of steel fiber concrete. Manufacturing rules
TKP 5.4.02-2015
National system for conformity assessment of the Republic of Belarus. System of forestry certification. Rules for forestry certification.
TKP 5.4.02-2015 (33540)
National conformity approval system of the Republic of Belarus. Forest certification system. Forest certification procedure
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