STB ISO 17258-2015
STB ISO 17258-2015
Statistical methods. Six Sigma. Basic criteria underlying benchmarking for Six Sigma in organisations
STB ISO 21500-2015
STB ISO 21500-2015
Guidance on project management
STB ISO 22514-1-2015
STB ISO 22514-1-2015
Statistical methods in process management. Capability and performance. Part 1. General principles and concepts
STB ISO 22514-2-2015
STB ISO 22514-2-2015
Statistical methods in process management. Capability and performance. Part 2. Process capability and performance of time-dependent process models
STB ISO 31000-2015
STB ISO 31000-2015
Risk management. Principles and guidelines
STB ISO 3310-2-2015
STB ISO 3310-2-2015
Test sieves. Technical requirements and testing. Part 2. Test sieves of perforated metal plate
STB ISO 7899-2-2015
STB ISO 7899-2-2015
Water quality. Detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci. Part 2. Membrane filtration method
STB ISO 9000-2015
STB ISO 9000-2015
Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary
STB ISO 9001-2015
STB ISO 9001-2015
Quality management systems. Requirements
STB ISO 9362-2015
STB ISO 9362-2015
Banking. Messages transmitted over communication channels. Business identification codes (BIC)
STB ISO 9416-2015
STB ISO 9416-2015
Paper. Determination of light scattering and absorption coefficients (using Kubelka-Munk theory)
STB ISO 9513-2015
STB ISO 9513-2015
Metallic materials. Calibration of extensometer systems used in uniaxial testing
STB ISO 9869-2015
STB ISO 9869-2015
Thermal protection of buildings. Construction elements. Determination of heat transfer resistance and heat transfer coefficient under operating conditions
STB ISO/IEC 7064-2015
STB ISO/IEC 7064-2015
Information technology. Security techniques. Check character systems
STB ISO/TS 12911-2015
STB ISO/TS 12911-2015
Key Building Information Modeling Guidelines
STB ISO/TS 22002-1-2015
STB ISO/TS 22002-1-2015
Food Safety Prerequisites. Part 1. Food Production
STB ISO/TS 22002-2-2015
STB ISO/TS 22002-2-2015
Food Safety Prerequisites. Part 2. Catering
STB ISO/TS 22003-2015
STB ISO/TS 22003-2015
Food Safety Management System. Requirements for bodies conducting audit and certification of food safety management systems
STB OIML D 31-2015
STB OIML D 31-2015
System for ensuring uniformity of measurements of the Republic of Belarus. General requirements for software controlled measuring instruments
STB P 2399-2015
STB P 2399-2015
Confectionery and semi-finished confectionary products. Terms and definitions
STB P 34.101.72-2015
STB P 34.101.72-2015
Information Technology. Methods and means of security. Technical means of information processing. Classification of security threats associated with the presence of embedded devices and undeclared functions
STB Pr 2399-2015
STB Pr 2399-2015
Confectionery products and half-finished products of confectionery manufacture. Terms and definitions
STB Pr 34.101.72-2015
STB Pr 34.101.72-2015
Information technology. Security techniques. Information processing technical means. Threat classification in the presence of malicious hardware and undeclared functions

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